Saturday, February 27, 2016


Kim is one of the greatest sci-fi writers of our time. I loved this book. I thought it was great. If you want a view what the world will be like in 300 years from now read this book! Kim is a master, not sure why he does not hold the mantle of hard sci-fi such as Arthur C. Clarke, anyway Kim is what I call a description maximalist. Which I'm more of a plot guy, but I find his descriptions so intriguing I literally could not put the book down. Excellent storytelling.

The only critical thing I can say is the overall plot or arc was lacking especially the ending. The ending was anticlimactic. Which now that I think about it, it may be part of Kim's genius. Because this book came out in an era where normal plot lines and character bounds were being broken, a good example would be G.R.R. Martin's SoIF series (Game of Thrones). So the fact that Kim went with a conventional, bland and happy ending is dumb or is it?

I don't want to give all the details, but it's loaded with the future, climate change, quantum computers, space travel, space colonies, spaceships, environmental restoration, androgynous humans, genetics, artificial intelligence, and of course, murder, sex and drugs!

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