Sunday, February 14, 2016


Hi All,
Welcome.  I finally got the blog up and running! You may not know it, but this has been an idea of mine for quite some time. Anyway, it kind of coincides with the release of Star Wars episode 7 (Finally a descent SW movie, even if it is New Hope The Next Generation) so I posted a little Star Wars Collection I made for a shindig, check it out!  I'm looking forward to having many discussions with you all about all things sci-fi.  Expanding our minds through time and space!!!


  1. Housekeeping question. Is this strictly sci fi focused? Or is anything fantasy, video game, comic book, or nerd culture related open for discussion? I am good either way.

  2. Good question. It was intended for all things scifi and fantasy, which i generally include video games, comics, etc. in that same catagory. So, I'm thinking of all things nerd. I'll change the header shortly

  3. Replies
    1. I recently read "The Once and Future King" by TH White. It was ok. A little dull in places, but I remember Magneto reading it in X2, so I thought I would give it a shot.

    2. Nice! I like the attention to detail. I blame Star Trek for getting me into Shakespeare. It's so often quoted in the movies and the shows!

  4. Yeah man. I love when they reference something I know. It makes me feel smart.
